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Trading Rewards.


Trade NFTs Earn $IMX.

Earn $IMX rewards for trading select NFT collections on Immutable-powered marketplaces.

Start Trading
How it works

$IMX Rewards Presents Trading Rewards!

There’s never been a better time to trade $IMX.

At IMX Ecosystem Foundation, empowering our community through true ownership is a top priority. Immutable, our inceptive network partnership, is recognized as the leading platform for launching web3 games and trading digital assets, and you deserve to share in that success.

$IMX Rewards represents all of the ways $IMX tokens are used to accelerate the growth of the IMX Ecosystem Foundation ecosystem. Trading Rewards, one of the most successful $IMX Rewards programs, features a points-based rewards system where traders earn points based on their daily trading volume that are converted into $IMX tokens.

Start Trading
How it works:
Trade an Eligible Collection
You can buy or sell NFTs that are worth between USD $10 to $10,000 each day, as long as they come from an Eligible Collection and are bought on marketplaces on the Immutable protocol.
Earn Points
You earn points based on how much you spend in USD when trading NFTs. Check the Rewards Schedule for more information on how many points you will earn back.
Limited Points Available
There’s a daily limit on the number of points that can be earned by everyone. Once the limit is reached, you won’t earn any points until the next day when the limit resets at 12am UTC.
Points Turn into $IMX
At the end of each day at 12am UTC, the points you earned will be converted into $IMX tokens and your wallet’s points will reset. The conversion rate depends on the total NFT trade volume on the Immutable protocol for the previous 24 hours.
Get $IMX Rewards
$IMX token rewards will be calculated and distributed every day at 12am UTC. Allow for up to 3 hours for rewards to reach your wallet.
Partner Spotlight

Partner Spotlight.

The Partner Spotlight is a special edition of Trading Rewards where we reward our community for showing some love to our partners.

Our partners, everything from games to marketplaces, are a critical part of the IMX Ecosystem Foundation ecosystem and we are genuinely invested in their success. We’re excited to show our community some of the incredible partners building on our network partners. All of the same mechanics and criteria from the Trading Rewards program still apply, but specific partners (a marketplace or collection) will be featured for a limited time.

Trade NFTs, earn $IMX, and experience new Immutable partners.

Earn Rewards

How do I earn $IMX rewards?

Register your wallet
Ensure you have a registered wallet on Immutable.
Start Trading
Each day you trade (buy or sell NFTs) between $10 USD and $10,000 USD of Eligible Collections on the Immutable protocol will result in points earned.
Earn Rewards
At the end of each day, your points will be converted into $IMX tokens proportionally based the points you've earned vs the total points earned.

How much can I be rewarded?

Every day, you’ll be rewarded points based on your trading volume for the day.

See an example below.
Your points earned:
Total points earned:
1.5 Million
Example scenario: In a given day, if 1.5M points are earned and you earn 15,000 (1% of total points), you would receive 1% of the $IMX tokens distributed that day.
Daily reward pool
Your reward is 1% of the total reward pool
Rewards chart
Diagram is for illustration purposes only. While token rewards will be calculated daily, your daily earnings will be distributed cumulatively by end of day Friday UTC. We reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions of the Trading Rewards program, without notice.
Immutable zkEVM

Trading Rewards at Immutable zkEVM.

The $IMX Trading Rewards program will be extended to Immutable zkEVM, starting 7 March 2024.
The same mechanics as the existing Trading Rewards program will be followed (as seen on this website)
The rewards collection experience will be upgraded by allowing eligible participants to claim rewards instead of being automatically sent to participant’s wallet

At IMX Ecosystem Foundation, we’re excited to see Immutable zkEVM live with Early Access. The moment we’ve been waiting for is here—games are incoming and we can’t wait to play! In the spirit of supporting the growth of this exciting ecosystem, and in partnership with Immutable, we are excited to announce the extension of the $IMX Trading Rewards program to Immutable zkEVM! On the 7th of March 2024, the rewards program will also be available at Immutable zkEVM.

What’s changing?

The same program and eligibility criteria for now. There will be little change to start to ensure there is a smooth and easy transition to Immutable zkEVM. The program will have the same rules as the current rewards program on Immutable X as seen in the website, and will work for both MetaMask wallets and Passport (Passport wallets will experience gas-free trading).

New claiming user experience. However, there will be a new experience for eligible participants to get their share of the $IMX rewards. Eligible participants will need to claim rewards from the dashboard, which will be free for Passport and MetaMask users. Claiming will be gas-free. 

What’s next?

Get ready to trade at Immutable zkEVM and be rewarded! You will find more details on

As a reminder, IMX Ecosystem Foundation is the issuer of the $IMX token. $IMX Trading Rewards helps to accelerate the growth of the ecosystems that IMX Ecosystem Foundation supports, including Immutable zkEVM. Trading Rewards is one of the most successful $IMX Rewards programs, featuring a points-based rewards system where active ecosystem participants and traders can earn points based on their daily trading activity, and those points will ultimately determine the $IMX tokens (i.e. Trading Rewards) that participants are eligible for.



What is the eligibility criteria?
How are we preventing wash trading?
Why is IMX Ecosystem Foundation further diluting token holders by giving away $IMX?
Do selling and buying NFTs both count towards my overall trade volume?
Are all NFT trades eligible for the Trade to Earn program?
Do I have to trade on the Immutable marketplace to be eligible?
How do I receive my $IMX tokens?
What else should I know?
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